Linear or Ruler Measurement


Linear Measurement is a fundamental skill that all students should to be proficient at

as well as not only measuring a given line but constructing lines from a straight ruler.


The image provided below is a common ruler found in many elementary, middle and

high schools.  It is used in elementary as well as advanced geometry linear measurement.


Students should be given plenty of time to experiment and collaborate with fellow classmates

when learning to use a ruler, to measure provided lines and drawing required lines and shapes.


There are three basic marks or measures on a ruler measuring in inches:


There the  BIG  marks or measures on a ruler: 


                                                                                             1/4                   1/2                   3/4  






There are the  MEDIUM  marks or measures on a ruler: 


                                                                               1/8                   3/8                   5/8                    7/8






There are the  LITTLE  marks or measures on a ruler:


1/16    3/16    5/16     7/16      9/16    11/16   13/16  15/16





After studying and practicing with a ruler then   è    PLAY THE RULER GAME.





Tom Love                                  Malone College                             Fall 2003